31st SGIFF Silver Screen Awards Presentation Ceremony

    2020-12-11T16:41:18+08:00Arts & Entertainment, Award Ceremony, Bilingual Emcee, Bilingual Host, Danny Yeo, Event Emcee, Event Host, Event Hosting, Festival, Film, Hosting, Latest Events, Male Celebrity Emcee, Movie, Presentation Ceremony, Singapore Bilingual Emcee, Singapore Emcee, Singapore International Film Festival, Singapore Male Celebrity Emcee, Singapore Male Emcee, Virtual Event, Webinar|

      Asian Academy Creative Awards Presentation Ceremony

      2020-12-10T04:30:16+08:00Arts & Entertainment, Award Ceremony, Bilingual Emcee, Bilingual Host, Danny Yeo, Event Emcee, Event Host, Event Hosting, Hosting, Latest Events, Male Celebrity Emcee, News & Media, Presentation Ceremony, Red Carpet, Singapore Bilingual Emcee, Singapore Emcee, Singapore Male Celebrity Emcee, Singapore Male Emcee, TV Hosting, TV Hosting, Virtual Event, Webinar|

        Women Entrepreneur Awards 2019 Presentation Ceremony and Gala Dinner

        2019-09-30T17:02:50+08:00Award Ceremony, Bilingual Emcee, Bilingual Host, Corporate & Business, Danny Yeo, Event Emcee, Event Host, Event Hosting, Gala Dinner, Hosting, Latest Events, Male Celebrity Emcee, Presentation Ceremony, Singapore Bilingual Emcee, Singapore Celebrity, Singapore Emcee, Singapore Male Celebrity Emcee, Singapore Male Emcee|

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        Opening Ceremony of SCCC’s Cultural Extravaganza 2019

        2019-05-30T00:29:20+08:00Arts & Entertainment, Award Ceremony, Bilingual Emcee, Bilingual Host, Danny Yeo, Event Emcee, Event Host, Event Hosting, Festival, Hosting, Latest Events, Male Celebrity Emcee, Official Opening Ceremony, Presentation Ceremony, Singapore Bilingual Emcee, Singapore Celebrity, Singapore Emcee, Singapore Male Celebrity Emcee, Singapore Male Emcee|

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        Women Entrepreneur Awards 2018 Presentation Ceremony and Gala Dinner

        2018-10-24T23:51:21+08:00Award Ceremony, Bilingual Emcee, Bilingual Host, Corporate & Business, Danny Yeo, Event Emcee, Event Host, Event Hosting, Gala Dinner, Hosting, Latest Events, Male Celebrity Emcee, Presentation Ceremony, Singapore Bilingual Emcee, Singapore Celebrity, Singapore Emcee, Singapore Male Celebrity Emcee, Singapore Male Emcee, Trade Event|

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