Magazine Cover Photo Shoot and Celebrity Feature Interview
for Zan 赞, published by Majority Media part of NTUC Link
Jeff Chang’s Studio @ Soon Wing Industrial Building
4 Feb 2015 (Wed), 2:30pm – 7:00pm

Check out Zan 赞 on Facebook at

Danny Yeo was featured on the cover of Zan Magazine for the March 2015 issue – all eight gorgeous and glamourous pages! It was arguably his best face forward ever.

The photo shoot at Jeff Chang’s newly set-up studio was a marvellous session which inspired Danny to write an article (发觉美好) about it in Zaobao COMMA (published 25 Feb 2015), acknowledging the conscientious work, creativity and dedication of the entire team behind the publication.

Credits go to photographer Jeff Chang, stylist Lirong, studio assistant Robin, stylist assistant Zoe Yap, makeup artist Rick Yang from FAC3INC, and editor Yeo Hock Chuan for the unforgettable experience. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

The results were fabulous! Industry insiders found the interview in-depth and most revealing, sharing lots of tips and anecdotes on events-hosting as well as communication skills. To find out more, go grab a copy of Zan Magazine 赞 (March 2015 issue) from major bookstores including Kinokuniya this month!